World cup woes and the bad Englishman.

It’s that time again. When those of us who actually don’t really like ‘the beautiful game’ that is football are forced to watch crap re-runs of old TV shows on CBS because every decent channel has been taken over by football. Before I moved to Spain I honestly couldn’t have cared less about the world cup, nor who won it. I was  always firm in the knowledge that England never stand a chance though. (abuse from England fans in 3, 2, 1)

Every England fan everywhere… most of the time

However since moving to Spain 10 months ago my attitude has changed slightly. not to the extent that I’m an avid fan and will sit with my eyes glued to the screen for every match as if my life depended on it. But so much so that I shall be following Spains’ progress (or lack thereof if their first match was anything to go by) throughout the tournament. I have been known to put small bets on the occasional match during my time abroad, much to the amusement of my friends back home who know me as a fairly anti-football kind of guy. Spain has changed me so it seems.

I was, like much of the population of Spain, shocked and horrified to watch The Netherlands thoroughly take Spain to the cleaners and back again 5 times. Sitting in a bar with a family from Barcelona, who were surprised to learn I wasn’t actually Spanish when we were chatting. (there is a story relating to this about something in Vigo, i’ll be sure to explain in the next post)
As we sat there watching in pain as Spain were beaten, we realised quite how many random English people in the bar were backing The Netherlands and getting excited when Spain lost. Despite the fact that England weren’t actually playing. There must be many reasons for this, none of which really bother me, but what did stick in my mind is the way one drunk guy at the bar shouted a description of me across the bar. For the audacity of supporting Spain, and having lived in Spain for the past 10 months, I apparently qualify for the title of ‘Bad Englishman’ (well, bad wasn’t the actual word he used, but I won’t repeat the exact adjective as it’s far more rude and inappropriate). 

Anyone got a problem with my flag?

I don’t take great exception to this really, as I don’t count myself as English, but rather British. But still it got to me a little to be put down quite so much for such a little and insignificant matter as not supporting England in the bloody football. Apart from the fact that England aren’t going to win the world cup, even if they did, it wouldn’t make life any different.

When it comes to sports I admit I’m not the best person to comment, I’m not overly sporty nor do I go out of my way to follow any particular sport religiously. Yet I find it massively worrying, if not almost depressing that some people, like my ‘friend’ at the bar seem to have their lives revolve around certain sports and treat them as matters of life or death. And also to heap scorn on people they have never met merely because they don’t support the same team as you do. That is something I cannot understand.

being ‘English’ carries a certain negative stigma when it comes to football… I wonder why…

I’m not saying that being passionate about something such as football is a bad thing, nor am I trying to imply a superiority over the fine gentleman whose kind words soothed my ears so well the other night. What I’m trying to put across is the point that despite having been changed somewhat in my attitude towards football by living in Spain and watching matches with the locals (who in my experience are far nicer than English football fans), I am still not totally convinced. And as such you shan’t hear any more about the World Cup from me here, meaning this may be one of the few websites on the internet not spouting World Cup news like gospel.

On that note I shall leave you to enjoy the next match, whoever may be playing. But before I go I want to say…



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